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Registration and Medical Forms
Kindergarten Medical and Registration Forms
The Ohio Department of Health requires all students entering kindergarten to have a completed medical form to ensure the health of all of our students. Parents and legal guardians must fill out enrollment and medical forms and take them to the offices of the elementary that your student is to attend.
If you have any questions, please call your elementary at the number below:
Dover Avenue Elementary: (330) 364-7117
East Elementary: (330) 364-7114
South Elementary: (330) 364-7111
Kindergarten Registration
If you are a Dover resident with a child entering the Dover City School District at a grade higher than kindergarten, please download and fill out the enrollment form below and return it to the school that your student will be attending. If you have any questions about enrollment, please contact the school your child is to attend.
If you are not a Dover resident and would like your child to attend Dover Schools, you must apply for open enrollment. The application must be completed online and is available under the "Parents" tab and is called "Interdistrict Open Enrollment."
Enrollment Form
Emergency and Medical Release Forms
In the event of a medical emergency, parents and legal guardians are required to fill out a medical contact form to allow the district to take the appropriate actions.
Many students are receiving medication under a doctor's supervision. It is important that the school be aware of the effects the medication might have or is having on the school performance of the student. School personnel are occasionally requested to administer the medication. Under these circumstances, it is necessary that specific physician's recommendations be made available to the school.
All students taking medication are requested to have this form on file in the school office to avoid misunderstanding.
Emergency Medical Authorization Form
Medication Administration Record
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